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Visit of the Director of the Field Operations Finance Division (FOFD)

Submitted by Kristof Hamelryckx on Mon, 04/22/2024 - 08:47

UNGSC was pleased to welcome Mr. Kelvin Ong, Director of the Field Operations Finance Division* (FOFD), to our Brindisi Base, in his first visit as FOFD Director. 
Meetings focused on UNGSC’s efforts to advance efficiencies for the field, leveraging innovation and an integrated approach to service delivery. Referencing the Centre’s unique capability to provide innovative solutions to the field that encompass digital technology and supply chain expertise, Mr. Ong observed the potential of further supporting peacebuilding and local capacity building endeavors.

Engaging Youth in Understanding Multilateralism: The Model UN at UNGSC’s Base in Valencia

Submitted by Kristof Hamelryckx on Tue, 04/16/2024 - 16:32

April 13-14, 2024 - 110 students from the European University of Valencia (UEV) gathered at the United Nations Information and Communication Technology Facility (UNICTF) for the 2024 Model United Nations conference. 

Participants debated issues relating to antiterrorism, the rule of law, and gender equality. A unique feature of the event was bilingualism, with English sessions interpreted into Spanish by students from the UEV Master's in Interpretation programme.

Nato Visit in Brindisi

Submitted by Kristof Hamelryckx on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 16:51

UNGSC was pleased to welcome representatives of the Southern Operational Centre of the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) based in Taranto, Italy, to our Brindisi Base.  
The visit was an opportunity to explore potential areas of cooperation through the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and innovation, including in the fields of environmental management, renewable energy, and digital technology.

Enabling Life-Saving Interventions

Submitted by Kristof Hamelryckx on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 16:29

UNGSC was pleased to host the UN Department for Safety and Security (DSS) Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) First Responder Course at our Brindisi Base.

Through this interactive, hands-on Course, participants hailing from UNGSC and other UN entities become proficient in basic life-saving medical interventions (i.e. controlling massive bleeding, opening and maintaining the airway of a casualty, and preventing further complications).

UNGSC outreach to NGOs in Valencia

Submitted by Kristof Hamelryckx on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 13:51

UNGSC engages with NGOs in Valencia to promote the UN’s values and Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.
This week, a delegation of 20 representatives of international and local NGOs gathered at the UNGSC Base in Valencia to discuss ways to support the needs of the local community, with an emphasis on young people.
The visit builds on NGOs participation in UNGSC events, such as the Humanitarian Fair to mark “UN Day.” 
UNGSC thanks the NGOs for their dedication and looks forward to a continued fruitful collaboration!

MINUSMA assets arrive at #UNGSC Brindisi

Submitted by Kristof Hamelryckx on Fri, 03/29/2024 - 14:41

As part of UNGSC’s support for the liquidation of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in the sphere of property and asset management, valuable mission assets are in the process of transfer to other field operations or to Brindisi for storage within the #UN Reserve, or the Return-Refurbish-Reuse (#3R) Programme.

Towards the Mainstreaming of Telemedicine across UN Field Operations

Submitted by Kristof Hamelryckx on Thu, 03/28/2024 - 13:42

Telemedicine offers important prospects for timely delivery of medical services to field-based personnel, often in remote areas.

To explore the potential of telemedicine services for field missions, pilot projects are currently being implemented in several missions.
“Telemedicine is a game changer in terms of the way we manage our patients traditionally,” notes Captain Dr.  Zombe Mazimba, Senior Medical Officer, ZAMBATT Level 1 hospital, Birao, United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). 

Water for Peace

Submitted by Kristof Hamelryckx on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 16:12
“Water for Peace,” the theme for this year’s World Water Day, calls for the transformation of water from a source of conflict into a source of cooperation.