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Michel Bergeron

Our Leadership

Mr. Michel Bergeron

Michel Bergeron


United Nations Global Service Centre

Head of Premises

United Nations Information and Communications Technology Facility


UNGSC Service for Geospatial, Information, and Telecommunications Technologies

As Head of Premises of UNICTF in Valencia, Spain, and Chief of SGITT since 2010, Mr. Bergeron leads and manages the Digital Technology operational and administrative activities of UNGSC in both Brindisi and Valencia. He also liaises with the Spanish Government at the national, regional, and municipal levels.  

Mr. Bergeron began his career as a Military Officer in the Canadian Signals and joined the United Nations in 1994 at UN Headquarters in New York. He then served in various capacities with UN missions and agencies in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), The Hague, and Brindisi, Italy. In 2004, he became the Chief of Communication and Information Technology Services (CITS) at the United Nations Logistics Base (UNLB), where he was responsible for the operational management of the Department of Field Support (DFS) Technology Centre; the support of the Digital Technology segment of the Strategic Deployment Stock (SDS); and the development of the secondary active telecommunications facility, until his assignment in UNICTF-Valencia.  

Mr. Bergeron has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, a Postgraduate Diploma in Computing for Commerce and Industry, and a Master in Business Administration.  

He is married to Diane and they have three children.