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MINUSMA assets arrive at #UNGSC Brindisi

Submitted by Kristof Hamelryckx on 29 Mar 2024
29 Mar 2024

As part of UNGSC’s support for the liquidation of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in the sphere of property and asset management, valuable mission assets are in the process of transfer to other field operations or to Brindisi for storage within the #UN Reserve, or the Return-Refurbish-Reuse (#3R) Programme.
From MINUSMA camp sites across Mali, equipment is transported both via air and road -on convoys monitored by satellite - to Gao where they can then be dispatched, as explained by MINUSMA Movement Control Officer, Taher Abdoulaye.
On 28 March, a shipment of over 15 tons of IT and Communications equipment arrived in Brindisi, following extensive planning and coordination by colleagues in #MINUSMA, the Strategic Air Operations Centre (#SAOC) and logistics experts across UNGSC, who noted: “The transfer of these assets was by no means an easy task. We are glad they made it to Brindisi and that we can make them available when needed by other UN field operations.” 
UNGSC expresses gratitude to the Government of Germany for their generous support of the aircraft for this shipment, and to all teams supporting the liquidation of MINUSMA on-site and remotely.

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