Dashboard Catalogue


These visuals gather a holistic view of all UNSOM and UNSOS contracts available in Umoja. The two main visuals offer a color-coded bar chart to see the number of contracts by: Months to expiry and NTE (not to expend) Ratio. There is also information rereferred to the contract extension. Please note that the United Nations provides contracts with a 3-year duration with the possibility to extend to a total and maximum of 5 years, by two consecutive extensions of 1 year each. However, a fair market bidding every 3 years is advisable, to avoid deviations from current market prices.


Category Acquisition Management
Technology PowerBI
Owner Entity UNSOS
Data Source Umoja ECC, BI
Access Management BIU
Implementation Effort N/A
Implantation Time N/A
Refresh Time 1 Hours
Focal Point UNSOS-BIU
Contact unsos-biu@un.org

UNSOS Specific Contracts

Technology: PowerBI

Owner: UNSOS

(0 / 0)

By clicking on this button, the focal point of the dashboard will be notify of your interest. The focal point will contact according to his/her availabilities.