Dashboard Catalogue


This report brings light to the specifics of the items pending to be received at the final destination. There is a filtering tile that allows to filter by a specific destination and/or by a specific Material pending to be received. This report shows all transfers that take place between Mogadishu and the different sectors. It can be seen what is left in Mogadishu and it is “pending” to be received at the final location (sector). Furthermore, there is a visual at the top of the page that provides a highlight of the most relevant parameters to view what is pending to be received: destination, PID and quantity. As a further detailed visual (bottom table), all variables are displayed. Moreover, a drill through utility is available (right click on your mouse while selecting one of the lines of the table), which allows even further detail, as an example, you can find all Transfer Details to a specific material.


Category Property Management
Technology PowerBI
Owner Entity UNSOS
Data Source Umoja ECC
Access Management BIU
Implementation Effort N/A
Implantation Time N/A
Refresh Time 1 Hours
Focal Point UNSOS-BIU
Contact unsos-biu@un.org

Pending 2-Step Transfers

Technology: PowerBI

Owner: UNSOS

(0 / 0)

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