Dashboard Catalogue


This report provides a comprehensive view of all information related to a specific PID or, it provides the means to find the PID number needed by narrowing results according to the filtering criteria selected. At a glance, it also provides us the breakdown in Spare Parts, Materials and Services available in the Catalogue. In case when looking for a specific material and cannot be found it in the catalogue, the most appropriate procedure would be to contact the Master Data Team in Brindisi in order to create such PDI number and add it to the catalogue, therefore it will be available for future procurement.


Category Acquisition Management
Technology PowerBI
Owner Entity UNSOS
Data Source Umoja ECC, Material Management Website
Access Management BIU
Implementation Effort N/A
Implantation Time N/A
Refresh Time 1 Hours
Focal Point UNSOS-BIU
Contact unsos-biu@un.org

Material & Service Catalogue

Technology: PowerBI

Owner: UNSOS

(0 / 0)

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